Organizing Filters

You'll find that as you learn to use filters you will find more and more uses for them. Some filters will become integral components of your documents - conditional form filters and calculating filters, for example - while others are used to screen lists. As your filters multiply, storing them in folders will not only reduce the clutter in your user folder but will give you the ability to selectively expose certain filters to other users in your site.

Every user who can add filters will have a user folder in which their filters are stored by default. Users may also have permission to create top-level folders outside of their user folder and grant other users access to the contents of those folders. This topic explains how folders may be used and how a user's permissions determines their ability to work with folders.

Using Sub-Folders

Users that can add filters should have permission to add sub-folders within their user folder. In the example shown to the right, the support folder has been expanded to show that it contains several sub-folders: Curriculum Review Filters, List Filters, and Scoring Filters. The filters stored in those sub-folders are all used in document and list forms and organized by category.

Use the  icon or the Add Folder menu item to create a new sub-folder. Enter a name for the folder and then click the Add this folder button.

Using Top-Level Folders

Top-level folders are always shown at the top of the Filters page, separate from the folder of the user that created them. You can develop filters that will be helpful to users who are reviewing or approving documents and make them available to those users by storing the filters in a top-level folder. As an added benefit, when those users utilize the filter list on the Documents page, they will only see the filters that you have made available to them.

Using the example shown above, assume that you are evaluating classroom grant applications and that your grant funding is segregated by subject matter. You have created special score sheets that are geared towards comparing applications with like subject matter so you develop filters to conditionally display the appropriate score sheet for an application. Your reviewers think that it would be more efficient for them to review applications with like subject matter as a group. To that end, you create a top-level folder called "Reviewer Filters" (the name helps you remember who has access to the folder contents), move your subject filters into that folder, and then add that folder to the reviewer user type's QueryFolder permission. Now your reviewers can screen their lists for one subject, review and score those applications, and then move on to the next subject.

Folder Rules

You can only create one layer of folders. You can add sub-folders to your user folder and add top-level folders, but you cannot add a sub-folder to a sub-folder or to a top-level folder.

The QueryFolder permission can be granted for top-level folders and for sub-folders contained in a user's folder.

The filters used in a compound filter can reside in a different folder. Access to the compound filter's folder implicitly grants limited access to subordinate filters (criteria definitions are not accessible).

Also see:

Setting User Permissions

Use Filters to Screen Lists