Built-in User Types
There are three User Types that every database contains: any, contributor, and superuser. The software requires that these types always be present and therefore you cannot rename or delete them but you can modify the user permissions and preferences of the built-in types.
The Any User Type
The any User Type governs the actions of all users before they have been authenticated (before they have logged in to the site). Giving this User Type permission to add an applicant record allows applicants to register with the site and create their own accounts. You can also use this type to set default preferences for all User Types.
The Superuser User Type
A superuser typically has full control over the web site and the database and is granted all permissions. Site Administrators and Electronic Form Solutions Support personnel are examples of superuser accounts and are usually the only superuser accounts defined for a site.
The contributor is a casual user whose sole purpose is to "contribute" information to an applicant's document. Although contributors are listed in the Users Page, they do not log in to your site as other users do - they enter the site through a link in the notification email that is used to request their participation. A contributor account is created when an applicant completes a contributor field in a document and then either saves or submits that document, depending on the mechanism you choose to trigger the email notification. You can configure permissions and preferences for the contributor type just as you do for other User Types, but they can only access the document belonging to the applicant that entered their contact information into a contributor field and they can only access that document until the contributor's Target Form has been completed. When they complete the form, save it, and submit it they are logged out, thanked for their participation, and their user account is disabled. If the contributor's user account is deleted, all information that they entered is also deleted.
Contributors with Approval Authority
In some cases you will have contributors with approval authority (i.e. accepting or declining an application). If you set up the contributor to have approval authority you must allow the contributor to have permission to change the document state. They would also need to have ViewForm permission for all the forms the applicant sees. A contributor never needs explicit permission to view their assigned form since it's their form the software doesn't look for that permission. This way you can have different types of contributors but each can only see their own form and not the forms of other contributors. When the contributor fills out the form and saves it, he is able to accept or decline the application. When they successfully change the document state, they are logged out and their user account is disabled. Visit the How To page to learn how to configure a contributor that has permission to invoke document action.
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